''blowing up isolated moments''

In this series I use the online database of webcam material from Google as a raw material to make my own videos / photos. Using Google's universal interface, I navigate around the world, cropping, recording, and blowing up isolated moments. 

How do people behave when they are not aware of a camera? You see that very little on the internet, people who put themselves on the internet are aware of the fact that others can see this. This image or video has often been directed, but what if people don't know they are being filmed, how do they behave? Live life, the title of this serie is based on the live camera’s footage, I documented people within the weeks between December 31st, 2019 and January 19th, 2020 during the time of the Covid-19 lockdown around the world. Not specific people but people who appear randomly on a live webcam often without knowing it themselves. 

This series raises questions about privacy in the modern city, but also shows people, in its purest form, live. From swimming pools in a hotel in France to a dental practice in Japan. There is no sound and sometimes no place name, so I let my imagination run wild and I started making up stories for scenes that I have recorded. I chose not to arrange these stories in a particular order, because all stories were also found randomly, and were intuitively chosen to be recorded. With this work I let people choose by intuition to create a certain order. Which title appeals to you and makes you curious? This series is also based on that, curiosity, and I would like you to experience it.

Performance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeREhuhVDNY&t=336s
Book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2rXR1tI_xk
Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPhGLe-ZH9k&t=5s

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