Does my algorithm know me better than I do?

Do my friends and family recognize me based on my algorithm? Or am I digitally a different person than I am in real life? Who am I actually following and who is following me? What do I like? And do I feed the algorithm with this? 

These questions summarized: How does my phone see me? What do I do with everything that comes along one day, and what actually comes along. The more specific you are, the more formed/narrowed your online world becomes. 6 hours and 6 minutes screen time on average per day, apparently I feed my phone enough to get a good picture of me, what I like, without actually knowing what I really like? Everything comes by very quickly, with hundreds of images per hour. What if I freeze my algorithm, that wouldn't be possible online, but it would be in the offline world. Consider what is suggested by my algorithm. Let everything pass through my hands and think why I get to see this image. And what does this bigger picture look like? 

How does my phone see me?

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