Emergence: the remarkable simplicity of complexity, the process of becoming visible after being concealed.

‘’Small things come together forming bigger things that have different properties than the sum of their parts. Emergence is how intelligent things combine to become smarter together. ‘’
In this fast-paced world it is a challenge to design an engaging concept for 25.000 words. As a dyslexic I encountered this problem already in my childhood education. Text could not fascinate me; I was instinctively always looking for visuals. These visuals were the bridge to another dimension for me; imagination. 

What if I could use this desire ‘moving to another dimension? What if people who read the text are rewarded by being able to create another dimension themselves? Would they be engaged to see beyond the plain text? Would the reader accept the invite to interact and co-create? 

So, this is how the concept started to evolve. In parallel to its content ‘emergence’ I tried to apply the principle of combining intelligent things to become smarter together. 

The text is presented in a booklet. By extracting the page after reading you are able to connect the text to the following page. This connection provides access to new dimensions. By going over this newly created form with your phone new visual content arises. 

Engaged by this new dimension the curious reader is searching for another next level…. It’s like the bird flock; all birds are individuals but as they start co-creating a mesmerizing swarm evolves taking you as a spectator to another level.

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