'' I am prepared to evolve. Are you? '' - nature
The question should no longer be whether humans will evolve in connection with nature, but how we do it. This pandemic is a warning from nature to us. We are too much involved in growth, but in the wrong way. We drift further and further from nature, while we need nature to survive, in fact, we need nature but nature does not need us. Nature will easily adapt to different circumstances, but humans will not.
"I am prepared to evolve. Are you? - nature. This quote from a documentary has awakened me, what are we doing? This pandemic is a tipping point, we have to go into the future in a different way, not back to where we came from, but in search of a better balance between man and nature.
> In my film you see the two extremes, my two loves, the city and nature life. I like to resolve these paradoxes by bringing together these polarities and fuse them into a new whole. Aiming to restore the connecting and arouse the viewer's curiosity for increasing ground for both extremes to co-exist.

The movie ‘Emerging Evolvement’

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